Foreign Interference
Wildrose Member

How much longer are we going to put up with the lies, the corruption, the outright treason coming from Ottawa? Because that’s what this is—treason. There’s no other word for it!

For years, we’ve known that foreign powers have been meddling in our elections, influencing our politicians, and undermining the sovereignty of this country. And now, with this latest foreign interference scandal, we have undeniable proof that our government has sold us out. But you won’t hear the truth from Ottawa, will you? They’re all too busy covering their own tracks!

Let’s get one thing straight: this isn’t a new problem. CSIS has been warning Ottawa since the 1990’s. For more than 30 years, our intelligence services have been waving the red flag, warning our so-called leaders about foreign interference in our government. Thirty years! You think they didn’t know? You think they didn’t understand the consequences? No. At this point, it’s not ignorance. It’s malice. 

The federal government has known, and they’ve done nothing. Why? Because they’re all in on it. All the federal parties have been compromised. That’s why no one is naming names, why no one is calling out the foreign agents or the corrupt politicians who’ve been taking their money and pushing their agenda. This scandal isn’t just about a few bad actors. It’s about an entire political establishment that has sold out to foreign interests! The Liberals, the Conservatives, the NDP—they’re all guilty. They’re all covering for each other because they’re all up to their necks in it!

What kind of country are we living in when our own government is taking orders from foreign powers? When foreign agents are funding political campaigns, influencing policy, and dictating how we live? That’s not a democracy—that’s a puppet regime! 

Just look at the facts. CSIS has warned repeatedly about foreign interference, particularly from the Chinese Communist Party. We know that Chinese operatives have funneled money into political campaigns, groomed politicians, and pressured candidates to push Beijing’s agenda. But it’s not just China—other countries are doing the same, using their influence to manipulate our elections and policies. And what did Ottawa do? Nothing. They turned a blind eye because it suited their interests. They allowed foreign governments to infiltrate our political system because they were benefiting from it. This isn’t incompetence—it’s treason.

Look at the silence from every corner of Parliament. Not a single leader has stood up and called out these foreign actors by name. Why? Because they don’t want to admit that they’ve been compromised. They don’t want you to know just how deep this corruption runs. They’d rather sell out the country than risk exposing the truth. And this isn’t just an abstract problem for some far-off region. This is about Alberta. This is about our province, our future. You think foreign interests aren’t targeting Alberta’s wealth, our resources, our industry? You think they aren’t actively working to undermine Alberta’s energy sector while Ottawa lets it happen?

Foreign powers see Alberta’s oil and gas industry as a threat to their global energy dominance. And what has Ottawa done? Nothing. In fact, they’ve done worse than nothing—they’ve actively helped these foreign interests by attacking our energy industry from within! They’ve pushed carbon taxes, pipeline blockades, and green energy schemes that are designed to cripple Alberta and hand over control of our resources to globalist and foreign powers.

This is treason! And it’s being carried out with the full knowledge of our federal government.

You might think, “Well, maybe now they’ll fix it. Maybe now that this scandal has come to light, they’ll take action.” Don’t kid yourself! They won’t lift a finger to stop this corruption because they’re all in on it. Liberals, Conservatives, NDP—they all benefit from the foreign money that’s flooding into Ottawa. They won’t bite the hand that feeds them.

So I ask you: How much longer are we going to put up with this? How much longer are we going to let Ottawa sell out Alberta, sell out Canada, and hand over our future to foreign powers? It’s time to face the truth: Confederation is a failed experiment. Ottawa is corrupt to the core, and Alberta will never have a voice in a system that’s been rigged against us from the start. This scandal proves once again that the federal government isn’t interested in protecting the people of Alberta—they’re interested in protecting themselves and their foreign backers.

We can’t fix this system from within. It’s too far gone. The only way forward is for Alberta to take control of its own destiny. We need to break free from a corrupt federal government that has betrayed us at every turn. We need to become a sovereign Alberta, where we control our own future, our own resources, and our own government—free from foreign interference and Ottawa’s treasonous agenda.

This isn’t just about politics. This is about survival. The longer we stay tied to Ottawa, the more we are at risk. The more our economy is at risk. The more our freedom is at risk. We are living under a government that is actively selling out this country—and they will never stop. It’s time to stop pretending that we can fix this from within. It’s time to recognize that Ottawa will never change, because they are part of the problem. And it’s time to stand up and fight for Alberta’s freedom, for our children’s future, and for the sovereignty that we deserve.

We have a choice. We can continue being part of a corrupt, compromised system where foreign agents dictate our policies and our politicians are bought and paid for. Or we can choose to stand up for ourselves, for Alberta, and for our right to control our own future.

It’s time for Alberta to break free from Ottawa!
It’s time to end this failed experiment called Confederation!
It’s time to build a new Alberta—an independent Alberta, where we are the masters of our own destiny!

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